The Golf Performance Code was created out of a necessity to help golfers break the deadlock of spending hours on the driving range with little to no improvement on scores.
Our "Practice to Perform"online course is a great way to help you learn and understand how to practice in a more efficient way. It gives you ideas on how to test your skills and find areas where you excel and also areas of you're game that might need a bit of assistance. Our course is based around you, challenging you... setting a baseline and then going ahead and improving on those baseline scores so you can see the improvements over time from your practice and take it to the course. Hit the button to find out more....

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Performance Code Blog

One of the most common problems that we see golfers suffer from worldwide, is a lack of improvement. They take lessons to improve their swing, buy the latest training aids and spend hours "Mastering" their golf swing, yet by the time they walk off the 18th hole, it just never seems to come together in relation to score on the golf course.

The solution to this problem is not as difficult as it may often seem. In fact, it is as simple as making a choice between doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, or changing your approach to how you practice in order to learn how to perform when it means the most to you.

The Golf Performance code is designed to give you a different perspective on how to practice, while helping you learn the skills required to play the game under pressure, rather than simply learning to swing the club. Our holistic approach is designed to test your skill, psychology and ultimately your performance while you practice in order to make scoring on the course a far easier task and a bi product of your hard work done off the course.