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By now you should have been through the main performance assessment and goal setting form. Our next step is to break these bigger goals into smaller steps that will ultimately help us achieve those bigger goals. While these stepping stones are not fully within our control, they will provide us with valid feedback that we are moving in the right direction. These goals can be based on practice, casual play and tournament play. You will see a number of examples below, simply click on the boxes and fill in some ideas on what you may think are good steps on the way to your goals. We have placed some examples in the boxes to give you some ideas. 



Your commitments are essentially the things that you will do in order to achieve your checkpoints, and ultimately your big goals! These commitments are things that you should be fully in control of, they should be black and white in terms of answering each month if you did them or not. We have placed some examples in the boxes to give you some ideas. 


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